Start Left™ Security's Dynamic Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) Capability:

Automatically create, manage, and analyze accurate Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) with on-demand CycloneDX & SPDX exports.

Ready to make SaaSBOMs a breeze? Start Left™ Security's got your back. We're talking automatic, hassle-free SaaS Software Bill of Materials (SaaSBOM) creation, management, and analysis. With a snap of your fingers, you can have CycloneDX & SPDX exports at your fingertips. But wait, there's more! We're not stopping at the basics. We're bringing you dynamic, real-time SaaSBOMs that cover everything – from your code repositories to the big picture with product-aggregated SaaSBOM magic.

The Challenge with SBOMs.

Alright, let's talk SBOMs – the unsung heroes of modern software development and security. These nifty inventories give you the lowdown on all your software bits and pieces, making sure nothing's hiding in the shadows.

But here's the deal: traditional SBOMs are like old books in a digital library. Static and dusty, they quickly go out of date as your software keeps evolving. And let's not forget, today's products are like jigsaw puzzles, with bits scattered across code repositories, microservices, and third-party playgrounds. Traditional SBOMs can't keep up with this security maze.

What's more, these old-school SBOMs are all about checking boxes for audits, not real-time action. That's where dynamic SaaSBOMs swoop in to save the day. They're your secret weapon for seeing into the heart of your software supply chain in real-time. They help set the security standard, encourage your developers to join forces, and even make automation a breeze. This, my friends, is the Start Left™ Security way, ensuring your software stays strong and resilient in the modern age.

Challenges Solved

One place for code repository & product SaaSBOMs

Automate vulnerability management, track team baselines, and foster developer collaboration. Make security a seamless part of your development process.

Get continuous, real-time risk visibility

Gain a comprehensive understanding of risk throughout open-source software (OSS) and CI/CD pipelines, then easily export SBOMs with a single click.

Leave SBOM compliance worries in the past

Automate SaaSBOM creation and effortlessly generate Vulnerability Exploitability eXchange (VEX) reports. Now, you can focus on what truly matters.

Get a demo!

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Tell us a little about your organization and we'll connect you with an expert who can share Start Left™'s SaaSBOM capabilities and answer any questions.

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The inability or unwillingness of a vendor to provide an SBOM should be viewed as a significant risk and potentially disqualifying.

Mitigate Enterprise Software Supply Chain Security Risks, October 2023

Dynamic SaaSBOMs w/ Start Left™

Developers are spending way too much time manually wrestling with vulnerabilities and explaining their choices to tackle or let them be. Start Left™ flips the script with automated processes that are not only efficient but also transparent, saving time and resources in development cycles.

Gain Contextual Risk Visibility

Our product-aggregated SaaSBOM reporting offers a bird's-eye view of all software components and dependencies, spanning various code repositories and microservices in one unified report. This powerful capability boosts visibility, compliance, and helps spot vulnerabilities, guaranteeing total security for every software product.

Product-Aggregated SBOMs
SBOM Exports

Effortless, On-Demand Exports

Create CycloneDX and SPDX SaaSBOM exports with ease, right when you need them, no extra plugins or fuss required.

Prioritize Based On Known Exploitability

With Start Left™ Security, you'll bolster your software's defenses, giving every product team the tools they require to tackle security challenges head-on. Start Left™ effortlessly identifies and ranks exploitable vulnerabilities using EPSS, CISA KEV, and OpenSSF data. Our toolkit encompasses risk evaluation, actionable vulnerability management, and streamlined workflows to keep you 'always ready.'

Product-Aggregated SBOMs

Connect and start reaping the benefits in no time.
Our no-code API makes it a breeze. 

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